01 Untitled 02 Obstacle 1 03 NYC 04 PDA 05 Say Hello to the Angels 06 Hands Away 07 Obstacle 2 08 Stella was a Diver and She was Always Down 09 Roland 10 The New 11 Leif Erikson
01 Southern Point 02 Two Weeks 03 All We Ask 04 Fine for Now 05 Cheerleader 06 Dory 07 Ready, Able 08 About Face 09 Hold Still 10 While You Wait for the Others 11 I Live With You 12 Foreground buy
Christopher Lennertz - Supernatural Season One O.S.T. (TV)
1. And So It Begins 2. Sam Understands 3. The Library 4. Let's Go Hunting 5. Searching History 6. A Father's Despair 7. On the Bridge 8. Into the Loft 9. He Can't Speak 10. Not the Lake 11. Boys Break In 12. A Lonely Picture 13. The Water Attacks 14. Sam Opens Up 15. Penance/Murder 16. The Morgue 17. Nightmare 18. Evil Awaits 19. Fighting the Beast 20. Dean Comforts Sam 21. The Hidden Terror 22. Dad is Alive 23. No One Believes Me 24. Hell House 25. Sam Can Love Again
Finally, a 320 kbps copy. My second favorite soundtrack after Dexter.
Get Well Soon - Songs Against the Glaciation EP (2008)
1. Against the Glaciation 2. Heading Home to the Pole 3. You're Using All Your Senses Just for Being Sad 4. It's Just Friendly Fire 5. Listen! Those Lost at Sea Sing A Song on Christmas Day 6. Green Island Never Turns White 7. Dear Tempest-tossed! Dear Weakened!